Motherhood Digital
Black & White
Introducing my digital art series exploring the multifaceted nature of motherhood! This captivating theme has enabled me to capture the authentic essence of maternal life, from the real-life moments to the idyllic memories we, as mothers, aspire to create for our children (even if driven by societal pressures for social media validation).
Delving into the realm of motherhood art has profoundly expanded my perspective on the dual roles of artist and mother. I have discovered a remarkable synchrony between these identities, one that I find intriguing to navigate. To thrive as an artist, one must cultivate trust, embrace surrender, be open to experimentation, and ultimately possess unwavering faith in oneself and their craft.
These qualities are similarly vital to being a devoted mother. With no instruction manual to follow, we must trust our instincts, release control, explore various approaches to nurturing our babies, and above all, believe in our ability to be exceptional mothers. I have had the opportunity to discuss these parallels in podcast episodes such as Artist/Mother (@artistmotherpodcast), Art by Andrea Ehrhardt (@artbyandreaehrhardt), and the Busy Mom Pumping Podcast (@busymompumpingpodcast,@momswhocreate podcast.)
Furthermore, my objective with my motherhood art is to depict the daily experiences of mothers from diverse backgrounds: stay-at-home moms, outdoor enthusiasts, and working mothers. Society often overlooks many aspects of motherhood, rendering them invisible. By visually and artistically shedding light on the reality of every mother's heroic journey, I aim to provide greater exposure and understanding.
Ultimately, my most recent creation, my greatest masterpiece, and an everlasting source of artistic inspiration is my beautiful daughter,
Makenna—a child whose name symbolizes grace and beauty in her own right.

Motherhood Digital Black & White Collection

Motherhood Poems
The Motherhood Poems collection celebrates the profound journey of motherhood. Through heartfelt verses and lyrical expressions, this anthology captures the joys, challenges, and transformative experiences that come with the gift of raising a child. Each poem beautifully weaves together the emotions, sacrifices, and unconditional love that mothers pour into their little ones.
From the tender moments of cradling a newborn to the bittersweet milestones of watching them grow, these verses touch upon the universal truths of motherhood. Motherhood Poems Collection is a heartfelt tribute to the enduring bond between a mother and her child, inviting readers to embrace the beauty and complexities of this extraordinary role.

Motherhood Poems Collection

Pregnancy Affirmation
Digital Artwork Collection
Affirmations can help expectant mothers cultivate positive thinking, embrace their journey, and foster a sense of calm and empowerment. This affirmation digital artwork collection was created to be a soothing visual aid for pregnant women and moms-to-be. I focused on creating affirmations that were uplifting, inspiring, heart felt, and ultimately helped pregnant women feel seen in their journey.
I showcase the beautiful 2nd trimester moments, the not-so-fun 1st and 3rd trimester moments, times when pregnant women are alone, in agency, in partnership, in gentile solitude, in healing repair, and are also just IN IT. I coincidently created this digital artwork collection when I was pregnant and it was so therapeutic for me to dive into something creative and artistic, helping get through the tough times, helping me feel seen as I drew other pregnant women, even helped me feel less lonely.
As I intentionally chose specific mantras and paired affirmations with the right imagery felt like the divine mother spirit was guiding me to materialize this collection as a message to future moms, as well as gently remind me that I too will get through this, it is all temporary and I am an amazing empowered women for creating life and birthing life. When I faced loneliness, isolation, discomfort, even misery at times,
I pulled this artwork out and got to work on my ipad with such intention because I need that gentle reminder so badly. It's easy to get lost in the noise of baby showers and gender reveals or instagram photos highlighting just the pleasant fun moments of the pregnancy journey and mother portal we embark on to pass through. But in reality, so much is invisible to society and everyone. Only those who've been there before or are in partnership with you along this journey can grasp the reality that is faced. It truly is a JOURNEY. And it keeps evolving.
I don't want it to be invisible any longer. I want to make the invisible, visible. I really did pour hours of my heart and soul into this collection and hope it serves you in the way that it served me.
Say these affirmations aloud and trust the process, trust your body, trust your baby.